My Dreams Drive My Goal Setting

October 01, 2020

My dreams drive my goal setting.

I am a big dreamer and believe in my abilities. This attitude drives me to reach for greater things.

Each dream I conceive is followed by a plan for achievement. I structure my game plan for turning the dream into a goal.

I set smaller, attainable goals that lead to the ultimate goal. That makes it easier for me to keep moving forward. I also celebrate each milestone I achieve. That approach helps to remind me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

Although I dream big, I am realistic. I give priority to the dreams that speak to my innermost desires.

I consider how my goals can impact my loved ones. I want my family and friends to share in my happiness and achievements. I always remember to thank them for their love and support. I am conscious that they are the backbone of my existence.

I share my dreams with those who are important to me. I take their advice and listen to their guidance. Their involvement helps to keep me grounded and realistic.

Today, I declare that the sky is the limit. My life is full of possibilities. I endeavor to go after every opportunity that can make me happy and successful. I commit to breaking the barriers that try to limit my potential.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Do detractors ever succeed at discouraging me from going after a goal?
How do I respond when I am unable to achieve something by a specific timeline?
Do I encourage others who dare to dream big?

The Key to Living Your Best Life

Are you willing to Invest in the Life You Have
to Get The Life You Want?

The Change Begins with Words!!

Knowledge is the only thing that allows us to change our behavior very quickly. At some point in life, many if not most people will become dissatisfied with themselves. Whether the issue is professional plateaus, low self-esteem, or something else, people who want to lead healthier, happier lives need to implement strategies that will facilitate long-term change.

Let’s Begin The RESET!

Every change first starts within.

 Congratulations on wanting to be more intentional about your life.

People that tell you it takes time are wrong. The change starts as soon as you decide it does - Time is what's needed to make it stick and remain a habit, and also usually required to see the results of those changes.  You deserve to live the life of your dreams! 

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