New Places

Author: Curtis and Tina Norton
April 30, 2019

New Places
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” – Genesis 12:1, NIV
Shawna knew that God had called her to move to New York City. But she had no job there, no contacts, and no knowledge of the city. She prayed over her desire to go, hoping that God would provide a way.
Two years passed and Shawna went to community college. She took odd jobs here and there, eventually getting hired by a couple from New York. They needed a nanny for their children and Shawna instantly bonded with the two young boys.
Six months after the job opened up, the couple came to Shawna with a proposal. They wanted to move back to New York but they asked her to relocate with them. They would handle her moving fees and allow her to stay with them while she searched for an apartment.
Sometimes, God gives us a dream and doesn’t fulfill it immediately. He uses these in-between seasons of waiting to strengthen our prayer lives, grow our faith, and teach us more about His character. God can make a path in the wilderness.
God, thank You for calling me to new adventures! I confess that sometimes new things scare me. But I trust Your hand. Please provide for me. Go before and behind me. I want Your will to be done in this place. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Knowledge is the only thing that allows us to change our behavior very quickly. At some point in life, many if not most people will become dissatisfied with themselves. Whether the issue is professional plateaus, low self-esteem, or something else, people who want to lead healthier, happier lives need to implement strategies that will facilitate long-term change.

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