Sources Of Motivation

Sources Of Motivation

Author: Curtis George Norton Jr.
July 03, 2019

Sources Of Motivation

Motivation doesn't come out of nowhere, and it's not a thing that some people are born with and others aren't. It's not a thing that is created, it is something that is found. While you might think that you don't have any motivation, the truth is that you just haven't found it yet.
This article will discuss different sources of motivation. Some of them may not speak to you but at least one of the sources on this list may just be the font of your motivation, waiting to be discovered.
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation
A popular theory of motivation today is that of Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic Motivation is when you want to do something because it has personal value to you. Extrinsic motivation is when you want to do something because it is important to someone else who is somehow incentivizing you to do it.
Intrinsic motivation is generally thought to be a stronger force than extrinsic motivation, but extrinsic motivation is strangely capable of overcoming intrinsic motivation, though the opposite can also be true. If you are offered a great extrinsic motivation, like a great deal of money, it may distract you from the fact that you are not achieving a personally important goal.
Alternatively, if an opportunity that is dear to your heart comes up, you might jump at it despite the fact that it doesn't make very much money.
Sources Of External Motivation
As mentioned above, money is a common source of external motivation. There are a lot of things that we will do for money, and whenever we are doing something for money we are not doing it entirely because it is important to us.
That isn't necessarily a bad thing, however. Finding a way to make money from something you love is a great way to survive while acting on your intrinsic motivators as well.
External Pressure
Sometimes we do things not because it is important to us, but because it is important to those around us.
If you are doing something for someone around you because of powers like love, friendship, or goodwill, these can be intrinsic motivators. If you are doing something for someone around you because they are promising a reward or threatening you, these are extrinsic motivators.
Like money, external pressure is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes people pressure us to do things because they care about us and it may not be a bad idea to listen.
Sources Of Internal Motivation
Passion is perhaps the most powerful and most common intrinsic motivator. It involves doing things that we are interested in, or that are important to us.
Our passions don't always offer the most lucrative opportunities, at least not right away, but finding a way to relate your passion to your current occupation can help you to understand why it is important.
Duty is like a combination of passion and the external pressure mentioned above. A sense of duty comes when you feel a responsibility to do what you do well, even if you don't care very much about what you are doing.
Suppose you dream of being an archeologist but your current job involves working at a fast food restaurant. It's not your passion, but if you feel like you have to do a good job because you are being trusted – and paid – to do good job, then you feel a sense of duty.
A sense of duty can help you find motivation in instances that may otherwise be difficult to bring yourself to complete. Likely for this reason, a sense of duty is included in many religions.


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