Change Your Perspective and You Change Your Life III

Change Your Perspective and You Change Your Life III

November 25, 2020

Manifestation of Positive Things

There is a principle known as the Law of Attraction. Essentially this principle states that whatever you focus on will manifest in your life. This is not a magical concept whereby thinking something positive makes it spontaneously appear. Rather, it’s the idea that what you choose to focus on will result in you putting energy and action towards that thing, and thus manifesting it in your life.

Based on this principle, the logical conclusion is that having a positive perspective results in you placing your energy and efforts towards that positive thought or view, thereby manifesting positive things within your own life (Knutson, 2019).

Our perspectives hold more power than we often believe. This means that we should put a significant amount of effort in maintaining positive perspectives as much as possible, even in the midst of negative situations.

This doesn’t mean denying the challenge or potential negativity that may exist, but rather acknowledging those things and then making the conscious decision to find the silver lining. In doing so we’ll maintain our overall well-being, increase our chances for opportunity and success, and attract positive things into our lives because of the energy and effort we go on to exert towards those positive things.


Cole, N. (2016, April 26). Change your perspective, change your life. Retrieved from

Knutson, M. (2019, October 15). How changing your perspective can change your life. Retrieved from

Solarin, L. (2017, September 13). How changing your perspective can change your life. Retrieved from


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