How Can You Train Your Mind to Think Positively? Part 3

How Can You Train Your Mind to Think Positively? Part 3

Author: Curtis George Norton Jr.
July 23, 2019

Interrupt the Negative

When you pay attention to what’s on your mind, make a determination:

Is this thought supporting my goals and the overall attitude I want,
or is this thought hindering me?
If your thought is negative and you don’t want it to control your mind, interrupt it. It takes a bit of practice, but you’ll get it. In the beginning you’ll find your mind wandering back to the negativity, but gently and persistently interrupt that thought.

Redirect and Reframe
Now that you’ve taken the negative thought and isolated it, it’s time to redirect and reframe. Turn this thought into something positive, no matter how difficult or mundane it may seem. From the simplest to the most complex, turn it around and force your mind to think about something positive in direct relation to this thought.
For instance, you’re in line at the grocery store waiting for your turn to check out. Your mind starts wandering because you’re idle. You start thinking about a fight you had with your partner last night, and it didn’t end well. Your body responds and starts to tense up and your pulse increase.
Now you are feeling upset and inpatient, and without realizing it you snap at the lady working the register because she’s not moving fast enough.
You’ve given so much power to the negative thought! It has complete control and swallowed up any chance you had at being happy today. Now you feel defeated and like your entire day will be downhill from here on out.
Now try the same scenario this way:
Acknowledge the thought: Yes, there was an argument and I don’t like how it ended.
Interrupt: Stop! I’m not going to allow this negativity to have power over my day.
Redirect/Reframe:I can’t fix this right now, but I’ll be more compassionate when I get home and try to listen better. We will have a great night!
You can do this with virtually any negative situation and find the good. Feeling the anger is easy. Put more effort into ways to fix the situation thus removing the power from negativity and replacing it with positivity. Again, it takes some
practice but it will soon become second nature and you’ll be able to replace negativity with positivity without even trying!

The Key to Living Your Best Life

Are you willing to Invest in the Life You Have
to Get The Life You Want?

The Change Begins with Words!!

Knowledge is the only thing that allows us to change our behavior very quickly. At some point in life, many if not most people will become dissatisfied with themselves. Whether the issue is professional plateaus, low self-esteem, or something else, people who want to lead healthier, happier lives need to implement strategies that will facilitate long-term change.

Let’s Begin The RESET!

Every change first starts within.

 Congratulations on wanting to be more intentional about your life.

People that tell you it takes time are wrong. The change starts as soon as you decide it does - Time is what's needed to make it stick and remain a habit, and also usually required to see the results of those changes.  You deserve to live the life of your dreams! 

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